Mole Removal Surgery [Part 4- Recovery at 4 Months]

Mole Removal Surgery [Part 4- Recovery at 4 Months]

Hey guys! Today, I will be doing an update on my mole recovery. I’ve gotten quite a number of views for posts related to my mole surgery and many questions in my inbox so I hope this update will be beneficial for some of you guys. 

If you are interested in reading part 1 (Experience, pain level), part 2 (recover at 3rd week), part 3 (recovery at 2.5 months), feel free to click.  

I got my surgery on August 1, so it has been approximately 4 months now since the surgery. In the previous post, I stated that I was going back to the clinic to get a steroids jab to flatten the keloid/hypertrophic scar on my arm which formed after the surgery. I got the injection so scroll down to see the results!

Lets do a little recapping...


2 days after surgery
 3rd week
 2 and a half months

The scar on my cheek after 4 months, nothing was done to it (below)

The scar is less red and concaved. The area does not feel hard. The scar can be easily concealed now.


2 days after surgery

3rd week

2 and a half months


4 months after surgery, 1 day after steriods injection

As you guys can see from the photos, the scar on my arm has flattened almost 80% and the colour is lightening as I speak. The doctor warned me prior to my surgery that the scarring is going to take 5-9 months to lighten up and consistent massaging is good for the scar to soften. 

The improvement looks very mild from afar but when you compare photos together I actually see quite a big improvement. It does take quite a while, but I do think everything is worth it. I can actually cover my scar on my cheek using 1 layer of cream concealer which in my opinion is amazing results. 

I remember I used to tell myself almost every day whenever I look at myself in the mirror ‘I wish there is one day when I can touch my cheek and feel that nothing is there.’ I always thought that was impossible, I didn't have enough courage to do it. 

 You guys may think it’s superficial but I’m proud of myself for going through this. I was always teased when I was young and was called nasty names and although the people teasing may not mean it, it does leave scars emotionally. Even after so many years I can clearly remember how embarrassed and humiliated I felt.  

Thank you always for reading, I hope you have a great week ahead. Hopefully this post gave you some help if you are on the fence on getting this surgery or even cheering you up on a rainy Monday evening.

And as always, contact me at or comment down below to reach me whenever you need to :)

Read other parts!
Read part 1 [My entire experience]
Read part 2 [Recovery at 3rd Week]
Read part 3 [Recovery at 2.5 Months]



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