Sunday, 30 October 2011

Watson’s Sale: La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water

Hey Hey! Following my Thermal Water craze, I went to Watsons the other day and saw that La Roche Posay’s Thermal Spring Water is having a sale! Originally the 300ml bottle cost SGD$20.95 each but now, it is buy one get one free! 

I’ve read reviews on Makeupalley that the La Roche Posay Thermal Spring Water is very similar to the Avene Thermal Spring Water and it is cheaper so I highly recommend you guys to check it out before the promotion is over.

I was a little too excited and ripped off the packaging before taking a picture. 

The bottle is freaking HUGE! It is double the size of a 150ml bottle but DAMN! The bottle is really huge! Below is a size comparison with other similar thermal water sprays. See the difference!

Hope this was helpful for you bargain hunters out there! Make your way to your nearest Watsons before the sale is over. I'm not sure if Guardian carries La Roche Posay products so do leave it in the comment below if they do carry them.

Anyway exciting news guys, yesterday was my virgin experience going to a Clothes Buffet. It is by Victoria Jomo and the event was called Fit All You Can 2. A good or a bad experience? Stay tune to find out! Ps *not really the most pleasant shopping experience IMO*


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