Thursday, 6 October 2011

Bourjois Paris Ultra Shine So Laque! in Rose Lounge 28

Bourjois Paris Ultra Shine So Laque! in Rose Lounge 28

I have been on the lookout for a nice pink shade and happen to chance upon this particular nail polish. I did a small research and found out that Princess Kate Middleton was having this nail polish on her nails over Essie’s 423 Allure on her wedding day. So I was all ecstatic and ran out immediately to my nearby Watsons and I found it in the Bourjois Paris section! Jackpot!

 3 coats of Rose Lounge + top coat

 (*Sorry for the really horrible curtain backdrop! Was in a huge hurry that day*)


It is very sheer therefore very suitable for French manicure. Bourjois Paris also has a 3 piece French manicure kit that includes Rose Lounge but is only available in the UK. The nail polish has a very watery texture which I love and is very easy to apply on the nails. I didn’t have a problem with the brush nor find it exceptionally good. 

French Manicure kit


As I’ve said above the polish is very sheer therefore to get an opaque colour I have to layer 3 coats to achieve only a semi-opaque result. It does get streaky more noticeably on the thumb therefore it is a must to layer at least 3 coats. For other fingers, the streakiness is less noticeable. For people like me who does not have to most beautiful natural nails (nail biter since birth), I prefer a more opaque polish. They also make the whites of the nails look yellow. But nonetheless, it is still very beautiful by itself. 

It does take some time to dry, not excessively longer than normal polishes but definitely not as fast as Sally Hansen nail polishes. I do notice that the colour gets dull after 4 or 5 days but after another layer of top coat it looks as good as new. It lasts a good 6 to 7 days without chipping which is also what it promises on the bottle. 

Yadda Yadda:

I paid SGD$9.70 for a glass bottle containing 10ml, 0.3 FL OZ of product. Will I repurchase? Probably yes, just because it looks so beautiful when achieving French manicure. 

Packaging: 5/5
Texture: 4/5
Price: 2/5
Lasting power: 4/5 (1 week without chipping)
Overall rating: 4/5


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