Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Review for Acne Clear Pimple Treatment Cream

Review for Acne Clear Pimple Treatment Cream

Hey babes! My exams are finally OVER!! So I’m back for another review on the Acne Clear Pimple Treatment Cream from my haul which you can read it here. As we all hate acne, oh yes we do, this pimple cream promise to kills acne bacteria, unblocks oily pores and dries up pimples. It is a non-oily skin colour formula, but trust me, you don’t wanna go out with this on your face. The ‘skin-colour’ is way too stark orange and not blendable at all. I use it when I’m staying at home or at night. 

The colour is similar to Oxy’s skin-colour pimple treatment cream, the concealer one (*bad memory). Compared to the Oxy pimple cream, the texture of this is much ‘harder’ and less watery. The texture is very similar to Proactiv’s Refining mask, the consistency and even the way it hardens.

*Picture below is an idea of how the cream will look like on the face


As much as I want to say that this is a Holy Grail product, it is not. L The drying process takes around 3 - 4 days so it does take time. The pimple cream still works though, just not a wonder. Compared to other acne treatments like the Clearasil, Thursday Plantation’s Tea Tree Oil, Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions, Neutrogena on-the-spot acne treatment and other pimple creams which I own; I gotta say this is one of the best. And ironically, this acne clear pimple treatment is the cheapest out of all the creams. It is ridiculously cheap and so underrated, hardly anyone knows about it. There are not many reviews about it too. 

The packaging comes in an aluminum squeeze tube, super easy to get product out, hygienic and does not contain any fragrance. It is suitable for people with sensitive skin as it is not harsh on the skin. I did not experience any irritation or flaking of skin. I use my HG moisturizer which is my Jorubi AloeVera Gel and it help greatly with any minor flakiness. A lot of product, definitely value for money. Also, compared to Proactiv’s Refining Mask which is a bitch to remove/wash off, the Acne Clear treatment washes away much more easily.


No instant results which is fine for a SGD$4.00 product. When I bought it I did not expect much result too. When I apply this onto my ‘laughing lines’ (areas on faces where it folds when laugh) it cracks and flakes off but it doesn’t irk me as I can always reapply again. I didn’t notice any unblocking of pores or clearing of blackheads so meh about that. 

Similarly to the Proactiv’s Refining Mask, after it hardens it forms a mask that adheres to the face and is quite hard to remove. When washing off the cream, I soak the area with warm water and gently rub in circular motions to dissolve it.

Yadda Yadda:

Will I repurchase? Yes, for the price I do think that it works pretty well. I paid SGD$4.00 at my nearby Watsons store. Net Weight: 15g. I do highly recommend this product, super cheap and easy to use. Do give it a try and share with me if it works for you! 

Packaging: 4/5
Price: 5/5
Effectiveness: 3.5/5
Overall rating: 4.5/5 

A/N: Also, I just wanna thank all of you guys who read my blog. I notice an increase in views and am really thankful for all the support. I will continue to post more often with more interesting content to satisfy your beauty needs! Thank you babes! 



  1. Thanks for the review. I think I have to purchase that one. I'm currently using OXY maxi strength. But not much work shown even though running out the whole tube. :(

    1. Hi Suzy,

      Do try it out, it is super cheap and even if it does not work that well for you, you can just toss it away. Thank you so much for reading my blog, I really appreciate it :)

  2. Recently I've been taking extra good care of my face. I've been putting warm washcloths on twice for ten minutes a day. Exfoliating once a week. And taking vitamins. I have noticed an improvement in my deep under the skin acne. The only problem is now, I have a whole bunch of black heads just popping up. What should I do? genuine acne treatment

    1. Hi Amelia!

      Are the black heads appearing on your forehead? When I get blackheads/whiteheads (bumps) on my forehead, it is usually a sign that my skin does not like the new product I'm using. They are extremely hard to remove and usually when I change or stop using a certain product that is newly added to my skincare regime, they either disappear or becomes zits.

      Also, maybe the skin is getting used to a new product. Give the new product around 2 weeks to get the skin stabilized. If your blackheads are around the nose or cheek where most pores are, most probably the skincare you are using is too hydrating or too drying. Products too hydrating clogs the pores and products too drying causes the sebaceous glands to product more oil which then clogs it. But there are also other factors such as food and hormones.

      I recommend using Biore pore strips or using a pore extracting tool if your black heads are on your nose/cheek area. For black heads on the forehead, I usually leave them alone and they will go away on its own. I hope the above suggestions help you with your problem, I am currently fighting skin problems as well. Thank you so much for reading! Cheers! :)

  3. I have some mild acne on my face, and I need some good ways to get rid of it. I also have some dark spots that were left behind by past breakouts, and I'm really not loving them! Any help is appreciated! Thanks! cystic acne treatment here

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