Saturday, 25 June 2011

Mini LA Girl Haul + People’s Park OCEAN store chitchat!

Mini LA Girl Haul + People’s Park OCEAN store chitchat!

Yesterday I had nothing to do and was really bored at home. So I tagged along with my mum and she drove us to People’s Park around Chinatown where everyday supplies are really cheap there. I bought my LA Girl cosmetics at this shop called OCEAN. If I am not wrong it is at level 3. Stuffs there are pretty cheap! The building is beside OG and had the big PEOPLE’s PARK sign on it.

The shop also carries VOV products. VOV is a famous Korean cosmetic brand, similar to nature republic, etude house, the face shop, etc. Their VOV products range around SGD$7.90 for a lipliner to SGD$22 for a lipgloss. I didn’t take much notice of the foundation because there were SO many people and their display of cosmetics is quite messy.

BUT! BUT! BUTT! I noticed something strange there! I saw that they sell the Skin 79 Beblesh Balm Hot Pink at the store and that caught my attention. I took it up and the pump was all weird and the prints on the bottle were all faded and messed up. The first thought that came into my head was that it was a fake one because I’m using the same BB cream and the pump does NOT look like that! It cost SGD$35.90 so do be careful of the products you are buying there and beware of fake cosmetics/skin care products.

Okay onto LA Girl cosmetics, quite a large range, I checked the expiry date of the cosmetics and it was good. Below are the products I bought.

Couldn't decide between the two pictures so i'll just upload two >.<

BOO! Only 2 items?! Yeah. As I said earlier my mum was with me so I couldn’t spend like 50 bucks on cosmetics. I bought a watch earlier too so I was kinda tight on budget. The lipstick I bought was LC536 Secret Admirer and BL554 Blushing for blush. The blush looks more baby pink than in photos, the shade is similar to the shade of the lipstick but less bright. I heard that the lipstick Secret Admirer was a really cute baby pink shade so I bought it but I swatched it and it looks more like a candy pink shade. Product reviews will be done as soon as I have time to test and try out. The blush was kind of an impulse purchase but hey, there’s no such thing as too much makeup yea?

I wanted to post this haul for you guys because the price is soooooo GOD DAMN appealing!!! The Lipstick was SGD$10 and the blush was SGD$15. I was like WHUTTTT! I’m pretty sure the last time I saw the lipstick prices at Guardian Pharmacies they were like SGD$19.90 each. Crazy, isn’t it? Then I went to the cashier to pay and it came out to be SGD$21! HOMG there’s even a discount! The Lipstick was SGD$8 and the blusher was SGD$12 after the discount. What a deal!

I checked the authenticity of the LA Girls but I can’t find any information on fake LA Girls cosmetics so I’m guessing it’s real? I know LA Girl is an inexpensive cosmetic brand so I presume it is logical for the cheap price. But all in all, I will use in caution and update you guys on the products and maybe write a review on them.

Have you guys been to people’s park before? I’m going back to snag some VOV lipliners. Any cheap cosmetics you’ve found? Share with me your thoughts! Sorry for the long nagging post…570 words! GEEZUS!



1 comment :

  1. Hi, it was definitely a great post!

    Anyway, I am a loyal customer to that shop. (I think it has been there for almost 20 years :O) I don't think they sell any fake goods at all. The bottle of Skin79 Hot Pink Beblesh Cream probably looked really messed up because that is the tester set that many customers touched and tried before.

    I enjoy my shopping trip there all the time! Lots of good deals and bargains! Enjoy your shopping too!
