Saturday, 15 February 2014

Clio Art Lipgloss Swatches

Hey guys! I'm back with another swatch post. Some of you guys have been waiting for this so here you go! I have uploaded Clio Art Lipstick swatches previously so click here if you are interested. As usual, I was only able to swatch 5 shades because apparently the Watsons here only carries very limited shades. Clio Art Lipgloss has a total of 21 different shades so you will definitely find a shade that you like.

A101 Nude Cherry (a reddish guava shade) and A129 Lucid Peach (a nude creamy peach shade) have to be my favourites. They swatch crazily pigmented and the colors look amazingly. I can't remember how much they were, I believe they retail for around S$19.90. Feel free to comment down below to correct me if I'm wrong. xoxo 

Check out more swatches from Clio!
Clio Gelpresso Glow Tint Review - 003 Enamel Pink
Clio Gelpresso Glow Tint swatches - 4 shades
Clio Virgin Kiss Lipnicure swatches - 6 shades
Clio Art Lipstick Swatches - 6 shades

A/N: I might not be able to post for these few weeks to come because I have exams coming up so I'll definitely keep you guys updated on facebook


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