Sunday, 15 December 2013

White Christmas Outfit Ideas

Hey guys! So Christmas is just around the corner and if you are like me who worries about what to wear to events or parties, I hope this post can give you an inspiration on what to wear on this lovely festive holiday.

The weather has been a little bit chilly these days but it does get sunny during the afternoons. So depending on your country's climate, feel free to pair warm thermal leggings underneath skirts for freezing countries or ditch the jumper for a similar colour chiffon blouse if you live in a tropical country.

Outfit #1 - A Christmas date

Jumper: H&M / Skirt: Esprit / Necklace: Topshop / Shoes: H&M

I love the colour of this cable knit jumper! It is a nice cool tone cherry red colour, very playful and cheeky, the camera does not do it any justice (it always messes up the tones). I added a statement chunky necklace to glam up the whole look and I think it looks amazing with this jumper. The skirt I used here is a beige skater skirt that has subtle gold thread and it complements the gold in the necklace really well.  

Outfit #2 - Party night

Jumper: Korea / Shorts: ASOS / Necklace: Topshop / Shoes: H&M

This is something that I would totally wear on a every day basis if I live in a cooler country. I got this white furry jumper from Korea last year during the winter season. It looks amazing paired with the lace high waisted shorts from ASOS. I also tried to jazz it up by adding a really cute monochrome tone necklace from Topshop. I love it!


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